Women(s) work at Bauhaus

okt '19 17
okt '19 17
Textielmuseum, Enschede
13:00 - 17:00

Symposium in het kader van 100 jaar Bauhaus met sprekers als Judith Raum en Karlijn Olijslager: Women(s) Work at the Bauhaus op 17 oktober bij het TextielMuseum in Tilburg. Het symposium zoomt in op de positie van vrouwelijke textielkunstenaars in het Bauhaus en benadert dit thema behalve vanuit de kunst- en vormgevingsgeschiedenis ook vanuit een breder sociaaleconomisch perspectief, in het bijzonder de geschiedenis van de vrouwenbeweging in het interbellum. 

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus; the progressive German art school founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar that combined arts, crafts, architecture and design. In the Netherlands, 2019 also marks the 100th anniversary of women’s right to vote. 

The symposium Women(s) Work at the Bauhaus explores how these two seminal moments can be mirrored. At the turn of the century, women, across the West of Europe had been fighting for a better social and economic position. In her lecture for the symposium Dutch cultural historian Karlijn Olijslager, will take a close look at the ways in which the first generation of feminists represented itself at the exhibition De Vrouw 1813-1913 and how this (self) image promoted a shift in public opinion. 
In the field of art and design too, gender bias and certain old-fashioned prejudices prevailed. Despite its modern and progressive outlook on the arts and crafts, and on arts education, the female Bauhäusler did not enjoy the same artistic freedom as their male colleagues, and upon entering the academy, female students were directed to the textile workshops.

Touch/Trace curator and writer Christel Vesters will give a bird’s-eye view of the gender biases that shaped the ideas of art and design, and of art and design production at the turn of the 20th century and the interbellum. Moving from the macro to the micro, German artist and writer Judith Raum will immerse into the material experiments of the Bauhaus Weaving Workshop and talk about her artistic and material research project and installation Bauhausraum (2017), and about the creative and personal life of one of the Bauhaus’ Weberinnen, Otti Berger (1898-1944/45).

For more information: Touch/Trace or see facebook event